Posted June 19, 2008 i had my biek serviced and that rattle when you first start the bike up you know when you sqeeze the cluth it goes and when you release its back apparently its a clutch basket simply get new springs and bye bye noise,so im in the process of gettign qoutes 0 Share this post Link to post
Posted June 19, 2008 Errrr...... I'm not a mechanic, but.... I thought this happened to *all* Hondas? Mate of mine had a Blade and was told by the mechanic simply not to worry about it. Any more mechanically inclined peeps here care to comment? Andy 0 Share this post Link to post
Posted June 19, 2008 Aye, changing the clutch springs won't make any difference, so don't waste your money. Just start it with the clutch pulled in, pull the fast idle knob out till 1500 rpm shows, then slowly release the clutch. Let it warm for a bit at 1500rpm and push the fast idle back in. Ride away... 0 Share this post Link to post
Posted June 21, 2008 Don't waste your money matt,follow eddy's technique of starting it and it'll be ok. Whatever you do don't take it where you had your service!!! 0 Share this post Link to post
Posted June 23, 2008 I have had two 400 fours, one 550 four and a CBR 1000F and they all did the same thing. It is a Honda thing!! 0 Share this post Link to post
Posted June 24, 2008 It's true graham,although the cbr1000f has the cam chain tensioner rattle,had mine replaced 3yrs ago and it still rattles a bit at low revs.Early bbirds had a problem with them too. 0 Share this post Link to post
Posted June 25, 2008 Especially on cold engine...My bike have some noises, on idle speed, that disappears when I pull the clutch lever...Is it normal or not ? Some friends of mine told me that it's normal for a bike with big engine (clutch) to have this tipe of noises. When the engine is hot the noises seems to disappear too. So....? 0 Share this post Link to post
Posted June 25, 2008 It's ok...I understood....It is a Honda thing!! Thanks anyway ! 0 Share this post Link to post
Posted June 27, 2008 It's the clutch basket rattle that most hondas have. Don't worry but if you are, listen to a ducati tick over and you will never worry about honda rattles again! 0 Share this post Link to post
Posted June 27, 2008 Aye I will vouch for that one the Multistrada clutch sounds like a bucket of spanners in a cement mixer! 0 Share this post Link to post
Posted June 28, 2008 When I bought my X11 it came with a velcro watch strap to allow the clutch to be strapped in while warming the bike up!! 0 Share this post Link to post
Posted July 15, 2008 just let it be for now. if the noise get loader then the problem would be it. the clutch has a rubber dumper it could be it. it most likely the same as the rear sprocket rubber dumpers. that rubber absorbs the impact when you squeze the clutch lever its is located in the clutch housing. 0 Share this post Link to post